Unlock fantastic savings on all your favorite Fake Bake products with our exclusive offers, available to you 24/7! Enjoy a wide range of benefits, from discounts on your go-to tanning products to rewards points when you sign up to be a Fake Bake rewards member. Experience the luxury of a Fake Bake tan, without breaking the bank.

Free Shipping 

Want even more savings on your purchase? Get free shipping when you spend over $75 USD or $100 CAD. For more details, visit our Free Shipping page. Stock up and save today!


Gift Certificates

Stuck on what to give your most fashion-forward friend for a truly personalized gift they'll love? Look no further! We offer gift cards for our self-tanners and cosmetics that will make any beauty-guru giddy! Whether they want a sun-kissed glow or a bronzy makeup look, our gift cards unlock endless possibilities. 

Browse our Gift Card Collection today, and make their special day memorable.


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Joining our loyalty program is a fast and easy way to earn free products and other exclusive benefits that are only offered to Rewards members. Member benefits include:

  • Earn 500 points just for signing up!
  • Get points for every dollar you spend
  • Like and follow us on social media for extra points
  • Refer your friends and you can both get points!

Click here to sign up now and start saving!

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